Schools Outsource Sports Teaching

Sports Teaching Services

PE and schools sports activities and lessons used to be taught in main by existing teachers within each school. As schools developed and continual assessment of pupils brought greater workloads onto teachers, they became less and less prepared to take on additional teaching due to time constraints, the requirements of marking etc.

In tandam with this, schools were given budgets for the provision of teaching services, allowing them to outsource certain lessons and skillsets to companies with highly trained staff, letting them provide high quality physical education, sports activities and after schools sport clubs, some paid for by the school and outers subsidised by parental contributions.

Physical activity is on the rise in schools once more, as is evident by our recent success’s at the olymic games and in athletics.


Specialist service providers for schools offer not just a range of services for pupils, but training for teachers too, allowing them to gain additional qualifications and progress their careers.

With out of hours classes, assemblies, in hours teaching, after school and before school clubs covering a wide range of sport and learning opportunities, external services providers have a lot to offer schools.

These companies also typically offer residential activities, adventure days featuring challenges, problem solving, team work etc. as well as first aid courses, swimming lessons and teacher training for a variety of skills.